“I have no fear of making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting has a life of its own.”
- Jackson Pollock

Guelder Roses and the Venus of Milo, 1905, Edouard Vuillard
Medium: oil
“We have to create. It is the only thing louder than destruction.”
— Andrea Gibson

The Kiss, 1908 by Gustav Klimt

BlumenstilllebenIN einer nische mit hirschhornkäfer (detail) 1668. Peter van Kessel


Still Life with Irises by Vincent van Gogh

Kelly Beeman

Flowers on a fireplace in Clayes, 1935, Edouard Vuillard

Daubigny’s Garden- Vincent van Gogh , 1890

French Peasant Girl, 1893, Childe Hassam

Rodin Museum
Signed top of base, lower right: A. Rodin Foundry mark rear of base to right: Alexis Rudier/Fondeur. ParisMade in France, Europe
Modeled 1897; cast 1925
Auguste Rodin, French, 1840 - 1917. Cast by the founder Alexis Rudier, Paris, 1874 - 1952.

Vase of Peonies, 1890, Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Medium: oil,canvas
Blumengarten, 1907, by Gustav Klimt
“All great and precious things are lonely.”
— John Steinbeck, East of Eden

Garden at Vaucresson, 1936, Edouard Vuillard

Small Village in the Medoc, Odilon Redon
Medium: oil,panel

via: zsazsabellagio

BlumenstilllebenIN einer nische mit hirschhornkäfer (detail) 1668. Peter van Kessel

Maria Lai, Untitled, (xerography, embroidery thread, ink on paper), 1978-1979
Repetto Gallery, London

Fecamp, Sunshine, 1886, Paul Signac
Medium: oil,canvas
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