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DIY Jewelry (Necklace) Holder

So.. I have a soft spot for organizing things.. :) Now im not neat freak or perfectionist like Monica from friends.. but i love finding new and cute ways of organizing my things!! So for today's post, i'd like to share with you guys, my necklace holder :) Its pretty much a DIY project and im sure you guys have seen stuff similar to this before. Its really simple, works and of course LOOKS GREAT! Here's what you need to get started:

1. A corkboard.. or cork tiles. (i bought these from staples)
My current jewelry holder is made from a half whiteboard/half corkboard. so anything that has cork would work!

2. Some push pins.

3. And finally, your necklaces and jewelry that you want to organize :)

The steps themselves are pretty simple as well and you can probably guess them already! But i'll write them anyways :)

First.. using the push pins, carefully make a line across the top of your corkboard. (becareful to push them in tight so they dont fall when you place your necklace on top!) If you want to get creative, you dont have to follow a straight line! Make them wavy, zigzag, or even in shapes! Whatever works :). Just make sure you leave enough room for the necklaces to hang! However, if you're planning on hanging bracelets as well, you probably dont have to leave as much room. :)

Sorry.. my line isnt very straight hahaha

Secondly, (and finally i guess) add your necklaces! You can order them or just place them randomly.. its really up to you! Here's what the final outcome looks like:

Front view and side view (sorry.. the side view's missing one of my necklaces!)

If you want, you can add some extra decorations and make it look all pretty :) For myself, all i did was add a simple flower, but its up to you! If you dont like the look of the cork, you can wrap it with pretty paper and then stick the push pins on top. Just make sure you push them in far enough so they dont fall out easily! Also, i added a second row because I dont have enough room to hang all my necklaces! If i keep buying more, i may have to make a second holder.. :) I hope you guys liked this! Let me know if you liked the idea of DIY projects cause i lovee them and would be more than happy to to post more!! :D


Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with any companies and any of the above products mentioned were all purchased by me with my own money, or given to me from family and friends. All reviews are from my personal experience and what works for me may not work for you. Please keep this in mind when testing these products.

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