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Face Of The -before I got sick- Day

So the past week I had been struggling with the flew, lying all day in bed watching Pretty Little Liars. It was a bummer but I got better quite fast. Yet when I could finally feel my taste buds without mucus preventing me from enjoying foods, 2 of my yet completely grown out wisdom teeth decided to take advantage of my weak body and cause an inflammation. I am used to wisdom teeth making my life hell, I had inflammation in them for like 4 times, dentists keeping persuading me that I should take them out. The trouble is that they are not 4 quarters out yet, and each time they grow a little, they hurt terribly, and as long as I have inflammation I cannot take the tooth out. Not to mention I'd rather keep all my teeth instead of getting rid of them. [but I've promised myself that if I'd decide to do so, I'll definitely make an earring from the tooth].

So these are the reasons I haven't been posting as regularly as usual. Taking antibiotics now, hopefully this whole thing would be over till my Birthday on the 5th of October so I could drink alcohol at least.

Anyway, here's the last showing worthy makeup thing I did before getting sick.

Eyebrows + Eyeliner: Catrice Gel liner -cruelty free-
Eyeshadow Base: Catrice [not very fond of it though...]
Purple eyeshadow: An eyeshadow palette I got as a gift long time ago, Careline, Israeli brand -cruelty free-
Mascara: Manhattan -cruelty free-
Lipstick: Very Purple by Careline
Concealer under eyes: Jade, Israeli brand -cruelty free- + Powder by Manhattan.

This look reminds me of the way I used to do my makeup back in Israel, about a year before moving to Berlin, when I had my eyebrows shaved off. I love to draw these kind of eyebrows, kind of missed that.

Sadly the color of the lipstick is barely seen in these pics. It a gorgeous shade of purple, a warm shade however [I prefer cooler shades] but very rich and stays for long. If any of my dear readers in Israel want to check out a great dark purple lipstick, I definitely recommend Careline, a great brand with great products, also cruelty free and not over the top prices.

Also, roots need to be colored and I need to trim my tips a little because the coloring process did damage them, not drastically, but they don't feel smooth anymore.