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Lipstick Collection Swatches and... new hair!

I did my 100th post and didn't even notice. Well, happy 101st (hahahahaha, I typed "th" on the end of that at first) post to me!
I will also maybe be doing a giveaway soon. I'm just not sure what to use for it, lol.

I decided to swatch my small lipstick collection, as I wanted to see what I'm lacking in terms of color and finish, and also because I know you people love makeup porn, you dirty, dirty girls.

Here goes!

Mac Creme d'Nude - A lovely nude, it's probably my favorite of my collection.
Wet n Wild 547B - Another good nude, a bit on the frosty side
GOSH Darling - I need to wear this more, I will try RaeRae's method of using a pink liner
Mac Viva Glam Gaga - <3. That is all.

Wet n Wild 502A - Thought this was a dupe for Sandy B (next door). Obviously not.
Mac Sandy B - Lovely color, albeit a bit frosty.
Rimmel Crush - This is more orange in real life. I need to work on pulling this off.
Body Shop #11 (Plum) - Got it for free, and don't wear it much to be honest.

Rimmel Airy Fairy - It's okay, it looks better on my skin than my lips. I like the formula.
Maybelline Pink Please - A good "I don't know what to do on my lips" color, goes with anything.
Wet n Wild 511B - Can you see that I have a fair amount of these? lol. I think this was for my Gaga costume.
Wet n Wild 521A - Wanted it to be a dupe for Show Orchid... not really. Still a nice color.

Mac Up the Amp - Favorite color. Ever. EVER. This is pure love in a tube.
Mac Thrills - Completely different in real life. Very, very pretty bronzey pink.
Cover Girl Fire Shine - My "red but not red" color. I need to get Viva Glam Cyndi =P
NYX Chaos - My red. MY red. :) It's so beautiful.
(Bottom) Milani Orangina (spelling?) - Got this on a whim. Love the formula on these... There was a lilac color with gold sparkle that I will go back and get as soon as I get off my lazy butt and trek to CVS.

I just realized I didn't include my Morgana Minerals samples, or the 1 Clinique lipstick I have. D'oh.

So, what do you think? What are your favorites from my collection? In fact, what are your favorites ever? Would love to hear!

Last bit, my new hair (it looks so much better in person, and excuse the bags under the eyes and lack of lip color :3 )

It has SO much more shape and movement now. I love it! Gotta get used to the short bangs. I think she intentionally cut them that short so that I would be prepared for when I do my fringe in the fall :)

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