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Hair Chat | Hair Donation

I have always put an incredible premium on my hair -- it's probably far too much of a part of my identity, but what can I say?  It has the capacity to instantly change the way I feel about myself, to pull me out of a funk, to practice and improve at something.  I love my hair, and I can't imagine going a day without it.  I detailed my hair journey once, from Grade 1 bowl cut to a horrifying senior year perm.  Check it out here.

That said, there are women every day who have lost their hair due to various forms of cancer treatment.  My decision to donate my hair came when I began working with Pantene Beautiful Lengths* and National Donate Your Hair Day -- so many people came out to support and contribute, it was hard not to start thinking about it.  There were so many stories of women who had received wigs; having hair helped them regain their confidence and sense of self.

Check out the video below -- I'll explain more about the donation process and the requirements; you can see exactly how long my hair is and how much I cut off, and the length it's at after I'm done.


*I work with Pantene to execute the Pantene Beautiful Lengths campaign; all opinions and experiences are my own!

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