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The Best Youtubers / Makeup Artists to Follow

Hey everyone, welcome back. 
Today I thought I would share with you lot my favourite beauty youtubers/makeup artist. 
These next girls I literally adore! Everyone of them are so different in their own way and I am obsessed with them and their skills.

Lauren Curtis
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I’ve been watching this girl for years since I first start watching YouTube which was around 4 years ago and I just fell in with how real this girl is, I think she is the perfect influence for young girls! She’s so real and by her videos she seems so down to earth. Just watch her videos and follow her on Insta and you will see what I mean. 

Aideen Kate
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I first seen this girl on Instagram about 3 years ago I cannot really remember but my god her makeup skills got me straight away! As she started to grow a lot on instagram she started to post so much more than just makeup and now I’m obsessed with her fashion! I think she can pull off anything. Another thing that makes me like this girl so much, she has a another insta account called therealaideenkate which she posted funny pictures of herself, she’s just brilliant!

Ellie Kelly
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Been obsessed with this girl since her Inglot days! One thing I love about her is she really doesn’t give a damn, most influencers/makeup artist etc kind of put on a front when they get in front of the camera I don’t think Ellie does at all, I met her at Beauty show and she was 100% nicer than what I expected, I was delighted cause you'd never know what they are really like in person the people you look up too can kind of disappoint well she didn’t and she was so cute! 

Keilidh Cashell
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Another girl I've been following since her Inglot Days. The talent this girl has is just insane, she can do anything with a makeup anything!!!! The one thing about this girl is she constantly supports other makeup artists, and people who don't even have a following and actually shows interest to all of her followers. Shes just so normal and a great person to follow if you are starting out in the makeup world, she gives the best advice and tips! I'm so obsessed with her.

Carli Bybel 
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This girl comes across as just your normal average girl, that does youtube and yes has money but she never really flaunts that she does. Shes so obsessed with country which makes her seem even more down to earth. Shes been on youtube forever and a day now and every time she uploads she just gets sweeter each time. Shes so humble and you can tell by her that she loves her followers. Don't even get me started about her fashion! no words the girl is a fashion queen.

Casey Holmes
Image result for casey holmes

If there is anyone you should be following on Youtube or Instagram is this girl.
I have been so obsessed with Casey Holmes since the very first time I watch her videos years and years ago!!!! I love how shes not afraid to be herself, shes just so passionate about what she does and I love her for that. She always speaks the truth she ain't afraid to say if she doesn't like something or not and you need that these days! She definitely isn't the type of influencer who does it for the money and you can tell straight away from the way she comes across on social media. 

Nicole Guerriero
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I simply just love this girl always have always will, I don't no what it is about her but I am beyond obsessed love every video, pictures everything she puts up!

That is all for now my loves. I hope you all enjoyed this post and be sure to let me no your favourites 
Lots of love 
Lyndsey xo 

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