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Clustering means hoarding of wealth advocated by Bruce Katz and Ed Glaeser

Alex Mousoulpolous

Reading a book called Metropolitan Revolution by this guy and some woman. Bruce katz along with other city advocates like the geeky Ed Glaser are big time proponents of innovating clustering in urban areas. these writers defend the inexcusable opprobrium actions of urban innovators clustering in one area to supposedly have better exchanges and patterns going on in their quest and technological visions of the future. These two geeks along with another city hoarding wealth jagoff named Richard Florida really just want a few elite select cities to hoard all of the wealth and ideas. They don't believe in exchanging ideas with people in other regions of the country because they really don't care or see a country as importance anymore. Guys like Glaeser see cities as the new countries and rural areas for corporations only to use for cheaper labor. Bruce katz mentions that the computer age was suppose to make people work from anywhere but the fact that they are clustering among themselves is proof these innovators really are not innovating much to improve conditions for everyone. If these people were such intelligent innovators working on things wouldn't a truly diverse collaboration involve true diversity and not just the ethnic educated diversity that they advocate for their cities. basically these guy are sham artists recruiting the wealthy of other countries to set up shop and start a business that our government will help fund along with enormous VC wealth of capitalists that seek to avoid taxes. VC funders really don't want their money going to a tax base to serve a community of people not like them. They would rather give it to people like themselves who innovate new and clever ways to grow cities at the expense of the host countries. Cities are important but if you ignore problems of the rural areas and the country all your proponeting is increases of an unequal society where eventually you will need to reinfoce your gated communities with castle-like walls and structures just to continue your greed and lust for capital accumulation.

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